Learn Why There’s So Much More to an E-Commerce Website Then
Simply Adding a “Buy Now” Button to a Product or Service


Do you have a product or service that you are selling on your website? if so then you have an E-Commerce Site. A website that produces sales. Even if you have a store front location, it’s always a smart idea to monetize your website any way you can. Your website then becomes an additional stream of income and allows your customers and potential customers to buy from you in a more convenient way. But to produce those sales is far more then adding a “Buy Now” button that’s linked to your PayPal account.

Look and Feel — The first part to get people to buy is the look and feel of your site. Think of it this way. If you’re walking around town and stroll by a restaurant that you haven’t seen before, what is is that makes you want to walk in and try it out? You may look at the menu and think, “hmmm, that sounds good” But then you look at the decor, you look at the kind of people that are sitting in the restaurant. the look and feel needs to resonate with you and your lifestyle. If it’s a “hole-the-wall” place, you may not even give it a second thought unless a friend tells you that “…this place is really good” So it is with a website. If the design of the site, (colors, navigation and so on) do not resonate with the visitor, your leaving money on the table, and whatever it cost you to build the site is now wasted.

Content — It’s one thing to have a nice looking website, but I’ll say it a thousand times. If you’re content isn’t good, and doesn’t capture your audience, you’ve already lost thousands of dollars. Proper copy writing is very key component to getting people to buy. It allows you to explain your product fully, build their curiosity, and move them from a curious state to a buying state. This is what good content will do.

Buying Process — If you are not aware, people who are massively successful online spend a great deal of time analyzing every detail of their site, and optimizing it in every way possible. One of the key things they analyze is the Buying Process. This is so important, as it truly can make a difference between making a sale, and making lots of sales. Are you up-selling your customers? Or even down-selling them? There are keys and strategies to not only making sales, but getting the most out of every sale. Depending on your sales volume, and your product or service, a 20% increase in sales by making a few simple changes can make a massive difference in dollars in your pocket.

Whether it’s large or small, Here’s how we can help you maximize your online revenues:

  • Analyze your target market to ensure best site design strategies
  • Create Powerful content that captures the buyers interest and encourages them to buy
  • Simplify the buying process to keep it as short as possible,
  • Help you choose which Shopping Cart is the your best choice and why
  • Create up-selling/down-selling strategies to help you maximize your sales

If you would like to Learn More about how you can have a E-Commerce Site that really pulls in the money, Conact Us or fill out the form on the right to get things started.